Thursday, December 13, 2012

And now for something completely different.

Today I remembered that I have a blog. 

Actually Twitter reminded me, after I logged in for the first time in ages and was immediately sent a 'welcome back' email.  After clicking on my profile, and seeing how pathetic a twitter goer I really am with my 25 followers and even more pathetic 31 tweets, (shout out to my followers - without you all things would be worse....@ckingman10) it hit me square in the face....or I suppose ovalish in the face if it were to strike me fully - which it did.  I have a blog. 

What high hopes I had for you blog. 

Until now I did what most people who start blogs do: write about things they think are interesting (hoping others will understand your point of view or at least bask in your ability to warp words into a web of awesomeness) until you really just forget to post, and then forget all together.  I wonder how many blogs there are out in the world wide web with only a handful of postings.  The first posting was probably very philosophical, followed by another post only a couple days later.  Don't I just follow all of these rules.  And here I am over a year after my last post, reigniting the fire. 

I give it a month....

Hey.  Have more faith self.

2 months?

It's a start.

I think one way to correcting my blog woes is to define why I have a blog.  I'm not going to talk only about awesome things (because unfortunately someone else came up with that idea - see what I mean by other people's ideas being so's unfair) and I'm not going to make everything in a giant famous french cookbook in a year - it would go terribly...and it's been done.
I will need a new idea.  This should be interesting considering the faith I have in my own ideas.

Stay tuned.   

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Wow, that was a good idea.

At a recent professional development opportunity I sat and listened to David Warlick ( while he spoke about engaging digitally native youth of today.  One of the quick videos he showed was about how technology and information is constantly dynamic.  I thought this was ingenious.

After showing my husband he said, "Whoever made that up is going to be really rich."

Why couldn't I come up with that?!  Damn!  My ideas aren't that great....

But then, as if to calm my fears of my own mediocrity, I watched another video. 

Hopefully one day I will have an idea that someone else finds genius.  It's settled: it's on the bucket list.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Is information Hoarding on Web-MD?

There is a reason that I should not join hockey pools.  It's not for the obvious reason that I never win hockey pools.  In fact, I have never even joined a hockey pool until this year.  I'm also quite capable at picking players even if I did entrust most decisions to my brother through text message at the draft (Shhh).  So then, what is my reason?

I am a sucker for information.  I'm following much more information than I could possibly keep up with thanks to twitter (@ckingman10) and blogging.  Not to mention the amount of information that can be randomly found on the web - check out the website GOOD for an example. 

So enter "hockey pool" to my life.  13 players to keep track of - and yes, I'm aware that the computer will keep track for me, but it is my disease for information hoarding that makes me check my Score app every twenty minutes when one of my players is playing.  The amount of my time it has taken up in my life is just ridiculous.  I've already tried to quit with failed results.  It's a good thing I never took up smoking, because I'm feeling like I have an addictive personality.  Are you happy now hockey pool?!

What's worse is that we are only 7...8 games into the 80ish game season.  All I can say is that I had better win.  Heck, even if I do end up winning I will think twice about joining a hockey pool ever again. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Be innovative with PicLit

Interesting site that takes motivational posters to a new level.

Create your own!

Tagxedo is Cooler!!

Okay - cooler than Wordle because you can actually specify a shape for the words to go into. This Tagxedo is based on my blog so far :)

Enjoy creating your own!!